Anniversary gift ideas HELP PLEASE


My 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend is coming up and I wanna do something special but the situation we are in is so fucking hard

We haven’t been able to go on any dates because we have to keep our relationship secret (my dad is racist and he is black), so we don’t really have that many pictures together

And since March we’ve been able to see each other like 3 times

I don’t have a credit card and so I can’t buy him anything online, I don’t drive so I can’t go to the store to buy him something

I wanted to make something for him but everything I’ve seen that you can make had tons of pictures, which we don’t have

And the pictures we have taken ive used in other gifts

I don’t want to feel guilty again when he gets me something amazing and my present isn’t anything special

If you have any ideas or advice please please help