Anyone here with pancreatitis?


About a year ago I was in the hospital for a mental health crisis and after running lab tests they said I had acute pancreatitis. Since then I have random moments where I’m always nauseous, can’t eat, or have no appetite. I want to get tests done but my mom doesn’t know about my diagnosis (I’m 21, she’s very strict and hates mental health crisis so I couldn’t tell her). I’m at university so I want to get tests done but I’m also just not sure if I’m over reacting? I turned to trusty google but that’s never helpful and I know you guys are not doctors (so please don’t say anything of the sorts). I’m just looking for someone with pancreatitis or similar stuff to this. I did cut down on my alcohol intake a ton and start to eat healthier (but I’m 21 and in college, drinking is bound to happen). Just wanted to see if anyone wanted to share their story / provide insight. Thanks!