I cant get full😭


I am always starving. I am 23+1 and ive never been so hungry before in my life. I ate a huge meal at olive garden last night at 8pm and come 3am my stomach was growling so hard that it was causing physical pain. I ate at 10am and now at 12 im starving again.. idk what to do. The hunger is so intense that it literally hurts. But yet im so depressed its a struggle to actually eat so most the time i cry as i eat. I dont know what i can do, i feel like im withering away but i know im not. I cry every few hours because i am so hungry. This is my 4th baby and this has never happened before.. does anyone have any advice on what foods to eat that will keep me full? I cant eat red meat, ill throw it up and i dont eat any sugary food as i have really bad cavities that hurt if I eat it. So typically i eat pretty well with minimal fillers.. idk what else to do.. could it be my depression thats causing it to feel so bad?