Third pregnancy THIS year?

Lexa • »LJ👱🏼‍♀️10•21•09« | »CJ👦🏻6•22•13« | »5•8•20👼🏻💔« »9•1•20👼🏻💔« | »BJ👶🏻06•12•21«

Hey ladies.

(Backstory: I have 2 children and had healthy pregnancies with both - they’re 7 & 11)

I found out I was pregnant on 3/31/20, but we never really knew how far along I was because my cycle had been pretty wonky prior to that (I lost a LOT of weight and my body finally felt like ovulating again I guess?). My hCG wasn’t rising appropriately, but we were able to see baby’s very low heartbeat on 5/3/20. I ended up miscarrying on 5/8/20. Doctor guesses I was about 5-6 weeks. No D&C was needed thankfully and doctor gave us the clear to start trying when my boyfriend and i felt ready.

Fast forward to 8/4/20, boyfriend and I haven’t been preventing pregnancy at all - and I get another BFP! We are ECSTATIC. Figuring this is finally it! My hCG levels increased well too. But... I started having debilitating stabbing pains in my lower abdomen on 8/27 and ended up miscarrying on 9/1. I was about 8 weeks.

(We sent the tissue off from my Aug/Sept miscarriage for all kinds of testing - but the results came back stating there wasn’t enough tissue submitted).

My miscarriage bleeding lasted from 8/28-9/8.

I had “tested out” my hCG and had gotten stark white negatives around 9/20. My first period is due today.

Just for fun (and because I’ve been super moody and hungry), I took another test... and it’s positive! I am SO confused! I’ve attached all the dated pics of hCG clearly decreasing. It’s only been 26 days since my miscarriage and only 19 days since my post-bleeding stopped.

Could I really be pregnant AGAIN this quick? 😮