Pacifier weaning

It has been a super stressful time for our family. My daughter cries for the baba if it's not within sight, and sucks on it all day except during meals. (Sometimes during, a la Maggie Simpson.) And frankly, it's one less stress on the adults to not have an inconsolable baby when we both work from home. She weaned from the bottle already and drinks from cups without a problem.

Please don't shame me. I already feel bad enough for the stress causing situations of compromise, for letting her have it for so long when I planned to wean months ago, and for postponing this milestone for reasons purely for my sake. That's why I'm anonymous right now, but I want to fix this situation and not let it continue.

Does anyone else still use a pacifier still without guilt? How do I go about specifically consoling her when she wants baba but it's not sleep time? She isn't cuddly, she isn't easily distracted. Its easier to give her what she wants than deal with the screaming, and I'm tired of being a lazy parent. How do I start? If the stresses are lessened, will she wean herself? Please help...