26 year old who doesn’t like sex?


So I was engaged to the most perfect man and we had a daughter, but he passed away just a few months after our daughter was born. I was devastated and knew I’d lost the love of my life. I was literally just going through the motions and trying to be there for my daughter as a new mom. A male friend of mine, who I’d only recently become acquainted with a couple months before my fiancé’s passing, stepped in to help me cope. We become close really quickly, but he lived 7 hours away so it was mostly texting and calling. About a year later, we both realized we had feelings for each other and decided to give it 100%. So during Covid, he moved in with me, my daughter, and my elderly mother. He and I are both home 24/7 due to Covid. We went from seven hours away, to with each other constantly. He’s amazing with my daughter and she adores him (he even changes diapers and cooks dinner sometimes 😳). My mom loves him. He’s a complete sweetheart. The only problem was...I felt no spark and we didn’t have much to talk about most of the time. I felt this huge distance between us after he moved in. I talked to him about it and he assured me that he does feel the spark and he’s just not a very talkative or emotional guy. It bothered me at first, but considering how amazing and sweet of a guy he is, I put it aside. But we’ve been living together for a couple months now, and despite my trying to make a move, we haven’t slept together. And I just found out that he’s 26 and only had sex once. It was like five years ago and the girl dumped him afterwards. He told me he thinks the whole “sex” thing is disgusting. He says he doesn’t crave it and while he can picture having sex again one day, he knows he never wants to kiss with his mouth open or do oral (on me or him) because it grosses him out so badly. He doesn’t like porn and he says he rarely jerks off or anything because it’s just not something he likes. He said his mom raised him that way and she was once in a ten year relationship and openly refused to be intimate with the guy. He claims he’s like his mom in that way. I kiss him and touch him and nothing happens, he just says he wants to cuddle and fall asleep. He spends most of his time watching YouTube or Marvel movies or TikTok, instead of doing anything with me. I’m getting so frustrated and it’s making me feel insecure. I don’t want to leave him because he’s so sweet and my daughter adores him...but I’m also a pretty sexual person and it’s driving me crazy. What do you guys think? Am I being petty or is he weird or what should I do? Thanks 😊


Just wanted to give an update to you guys since someone asked. I did break up with him and kick him out. He started calling me a “whore” (I’ve only slept with 4 guys in my life, and even if I’d slept with 40 there’s no excuse for him to use name calling or judge me based off of something like that) and with him “just for sex”. That was it for me and I told him he needed to leave.

We’ve been separated over two months now and he still texts me all the time. He claims I’m the love of his life and sends flowers to me and gifts for my daughter. I told him we could be friends, but nothing beyond that was ever going to happen. 🤷🏼‍♀️

He said he could be friends eventually, but not right now. So that’s all for now and honestly, I wouldn’t be upset if I didn’t hear from him again.