Husband/SO helping with baby- frustrations.

I want to start off by saying I know I am being a total bitch. I want suggestions on how to deescalate my own emotions in these scenarios. Because he is a good man who is (or at least thinks he is) trying his hardest to help me. But God damn, it's like talking to a brick wall sometimes.

So my husband is lovely and tries to be helpful but he gets easily frustrated and gives up when if comes to our baby, which leaves me exhausted and angry. Because he'll say 'yeah go take a nap' but it ends in the baby screaming and him throwing in the towel. I try to tell him how I do it. I try not to intervene. I try to ignore my baby crying but it's so hard when I know how to get him to calm down. And I don't think I'm being fair because I'm sure a lot of it is I stay home all day with baby so we trust each other and he is used to me doing everything. But like, for example, my baby tosses his head back and refuses the bottle when things are too distracting. So I turn of the light and reduce the stimuli and continue. My husband, even though I have told him this, shrugs and says 'must not be hungry' and stops trying and acts baffled when the baby keeps crying. He says 'but it's too dark for me'. Sweetheart, it's not about you. It's about what gets the baby down. I'm not asking you to do it in the pitch black. Just turn off everything but the night light. Or I'll rock the baby until he is just sleepy and put him down but my husband says the rocking makes him nauseous. And maybe it's that he doesn't want to do bedtime stuff at all but I rather him just say that instead of ignoring what I have told him works for me. Or he gets shocked when the baby won't just sit on his lap and do nothing anymore and starts fussing. He's 3 months now not 3 days. He gets bored bud.

We are both just learning. And like I said my husband is so sweet and I Truly believe he thinks he is trying his best. I love him so much, he's my best friend and waited on me hand and foot while I was pregnant and says he wants to help as much as he can now. But I am so frustrated. What do I do. I know I am being a bitch wanting him to do everything my way but honestly if his way worked I wouldn't care at all. It's just when it doesn't work and he gives up and acts all jealous when I can get it done.