6-month growth spurt?


Mamas who have been through it before, can you tell me how long your LO’s 6-month growth spurt lasted? My daughter is 6 1/2 months old and since 5 months of age she has been sleeping through the night (about 8p-6a). The last few nights though shes been waking up 2-3 times to eat. I’m assuming a growth spurt because shes also eating alittle more frequently during the day, but she is also teething so idk if that could be a factor too. I had just gotten to where i was pumping enough to meet her needs when she was sleeping through the night while i’m at work, but now with her increased feeding we’ve had to start supplementing with formula again because i’m a just-enougher without much freezer stash 😭. Just looking for the light at the end of the tunnel on how long this will last or really tips to get through it lol. Thanks in advance!