Kind of long birthstory at 39weeks

I figured while I had some spare time I’d post about my labor. My edd was September 10th, but I asked if I could be induced at 39weeks, due to needing to have a schedule for someone to watch my 2yr old, and also my father has a rare aggressive cancer, my dr said 39 weeks was fine for induction so it was scheduled for September 3rd at 6:30 am. Well I had been having contractions but not close ones about 1 week prior, went to my last dr apt august 31st I was 80% effaced and 4cm dilated, dr said if I had anymore contractions to go to hospital this time. I started having contractions again around 4am septhemeber 3rd and I just laid in bed & tried to time them but they were irregular & stopped. So I stayed awake the rest of the time until I had to leave for the hospital and I lost a huge chuck of my mucus plug, which I had done for weeks at this point. So I arrive at the hospital at 6:30 am and at 8am they gave me pitocin at 9am my dr came and broke my water, that hurt a lot. I dealt with horrible contractions for 3 hours til i couldn’t anymore, I asked for a pain medicine that they put in my IV and it barely helped. at 9:00am I was crying and asked for an epidural the anesthesiologist came in, all that was done by 10:00am. I told them I was only numb on one side and my contractions still hurt bad but not where I was crying anymore, they propped pillows under on side to see if it would numb my other side and it did. I was stuck at 4cm before my epidural, I then went from being stuck at 4cm to 8cm and the dr and nurse was surprised so was my mother they said we could try to push, so we did, for an hour, then they checked and I was at 10cm. So they called my dr in and at 11:08am September 3rd my little boy Liam James made his appearance he was 7lbs & 6oz 21” long. He was purple & wouldn’t breath or cry, the pain meds in the iv they gave me made him sleepy and his cord was wrapped around his neck so they took him and placed a oxygen mask on him and what seems like forever he finally starts crying and it didn’t take long for his purple to go away. I asked to leave when he was 24hours old and they said me and him were doing great so I could leave, so we did. And we have been doing great, his big sister is 2 and she loves him so much🥰💓I was nervous but it’s all been amazing.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.