Need motivation pictures, quotes, experiences, anything

I’ve been wanting to date again after being single for 2 years and free from an abusive relationship. I still have some insecurities and a lot comes to my weight. During my last relationship I gained 85 pounds due to thyroid and I’ve just now started working on loosing the weight. I’m 5’2 and weigh 245 and I want to be the best version of myself.

I’m going the slow and steady route which means counting calories to fit my macros. No low carb, no fast weight loss, I’m literally ok if it takes 2 years to get back to the weight I want to be. I’m a couple days in and I’m staying within the range but I want to quit already. In the past I would starve myself and that’s the only route I’ve known and I refuse to do this time. Right now I’m focusing on fixing my sleep schedule and making sure I meet my macros. Eventually will add back my exercise. I need motivation cause I know I can do this and I’ll be so happy but part of me wants to quit or just fall back into old habits of not eating and I know I can do so so so much better. So please send inspiration as to what has helped you, what motivates you, self love or anything

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