

Hi everyone: I feel like joining the catholic church sometime in the future and when I was growing up my aunt and my uncle and my cousins take me to mass when I was little girl and I enjoyed it so much and around in 96 or 98 I was so disappointed that my mom got me baptized to the mormon church and I was very sad and disappointed, I got baptized at age 8 or 10 years old and I haven't make my discussion what religion I should join.

Being a mormon, when I pray I don't feel the spirit and the spirit doesn't feel good when I pray and pray I don't feel my mormon prayers don't answer at times😭.

It can be very stressful at times.

until now I downloaded catholic prayers on YouTube and I been listening to them everyday and every night with my headphones on and I don't tell my mom.

When i Iisten the prayers and I feel so different and safe and I feel tears coming down and feel mother mary and lord jesus christ and the father and the father and holy spirit and the guardian Angel's too, it feels like they wanted me to go home to the catholic church.

And I have some questions about the catholic church.

1. What holy bibles or bibles I should read?

2. When you pray do you feel tears coming down is it normal or something?

3. How catholic's pray like, picture example

Thanks for the answers

God bless and be safe everyone.