

so my “period” came right on time, it looked and felt like a regular period, i had pretty intense cramping for the first two days, and then on and off mild cramping just like my periods normally are. except my “period” didn’t stop. by day 8 it turned to a very dark brown blood (no clots, no pain) and by day 13 i started to get concerned as this brown blood kept coming, sometimes really light, sometimes a small gush of dark brown blood mixed with bright red. still no pain, so i took a pregnancy test, blazing positive. i immediately went to the hospital, they saw nothing on the ultrasounds and my HCG was only 140. day 15 now and i’m still bleeding. they saw no abnormalities in my uterus or my tubes, but no sign of any pregnancy. i’m really terrified that it’s ectopic, even though i’ve had no pain at all.

i know at this point the pregnancy likely isn’t viable, is this what an early miscarriage would look like?

i’d be about 5-6 weeks along. no symptoms other than food aversions and slightly sensitive boobs.

they want me to come back in a week for more testing