Stillborn at 40 weeks

Danielle • My oldest daughter was born 6/29/16 💕 my son was born sleeping on 9/29/20 👼🏻 my youngest daughter born 12/14/21 🌈

I just lost my son at 40 weeks and one day on Tuesday September 29th. My entire pregnancy has been perfect with no issues or complications. I even had an ultrasound exactly one week before this bc the doctor wanted to make sure he was head down as he would move so much and his heartbeat was high up in me. The ultrasound was perfect, everything was great. Then one week later I go into labor and had contractions all day long, I remember feeling him move that morning but didn’t pay much attention throughout the day as I was having contractions and I have a 4 year old. Mostly I feel him move at night after we are all calmed down and relaxing in the living room. So anyways I go to the hospital as the contractions get worse and they go to find his heartbeat and it’s not there. I knew as soon as the nurse couldn’t find it that he was gone. The doctor comes in to do an ultrasound and it confirms he is gone. I was in shock, this baby moved so much more than my daughter ever had. He was so active, it makes me so mad at myself for not realizing he stopped moving. When he was born he was absolutely perfect, looked just like his older sister just sleeping. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him or the placenta, his heart just stopped. I’ve been living in a fog these past 5 days, we have been trying to do some activities as a family to keep us busy and to help ourselves and our 4 year old. I’m just so lost and the mornings are so hard. I cannot seem to wrap my mind around this and I know I will never be able to fully understand, what did you do that helped you? Anyone have a similar experience? We are currently away, decided to take a trip to clear our minds and get a change of scenery as our house is full of baby clothes and items and it’s so hard to look at it and even harder to put it away. Sorry this post is all over the place but that’s how I am currently as well. Thank you to anyone who has read this and anyone who has any advice and help.