Fell asleep standing in crib

I tried sleep training my LO because she doesn’t know how to fall asleep on her own—still needs breastfeeding to fall asleep. After an hr of her not even falling asleep breastfeeding I decided that’s enough and it’s time to try sleeping without it.

She cried on and off for like an hr (more whining than crying towards the end). All of this was while standing of course. But then she got sleepy. Next thing I know on the monitor I see her standing and sleeping with her head resting on the crib rail. I felt so bad but idk what to do. I went in and gently tried to put her back down on her back to which she woke up again of course, but went back to sleep with some patting.

I’m worried the longer I wait to sleep train the more likely she is to almost climb out the crib. I wish I figured this out back at like 6 months or something where she didn’t even know how to stand yet. :/