First period after miscarriage


I had a miscarriage 9/11 (my 1st pregnancy) I bled for a week then had spotting for a 6 days that was light pink/red then a brownish discharge for another 6 days I stopped bleeding at all for 3 days and yesterday I think I started my period. That means I started my period 23 days after passing my baby. Is this normal?

I was told my baby stopped growing at 8 weeks and there was no heartbeat at my 11w 5d scan I passed my baby on why would of been 12 weeks so I understand my hormones may have Been low before I ever passed him/her. I just have heard of others not getting their mensuration back for a while.

Also the bleeding is a lot heavier than I usually bleed (tmi but I literally cannot wipe without getting my hand bloody) it’s so heavy I have to use the night time thick ass pads during the day to avoid leakage. Im not bleeding so much that I’m worried about the bleeding part but i was wondering if this is something common for women to experience after miscarriage, did anyone else experience heavier flow the first period and did it ever go back to normal?

Thanks in advanced for commenting ❤️