Vaginal odor & witch hazel

So I’ve struggled with vaginal odor for a while now, ever since puberty I felt like my vagina smelled “off” especially after a long day at school or work. I understand that vaginas are self cleaning and have a delicate pH so I never douche, use feminine washes, or do anything besides use warm water and mild soap to wash my vulva. I also eat yogurt and take probiotics to try and help- but nothing seemed to work until recently. I got an awful infected ingrown hair on my vulva and I used witch hazel on it to help keep it clean and shrink it. It worked amazingly and it went away within 2 days. I also noticed that while I used the witch hazel my vaginal odor went away completely! Since then I’ve just been using a cotton pad with witch hazel to gently wipe the outside of my vagina (don’t worry it’s not anywhere near the inside) and i feel like my vagina has no scent at all!

From what I’ve read I understand that witch hazel is safe to use around the vaginal area (ex. After childbirth it is commonly used to heal wounds) but I still wanted to ask other women if they’ve used the same technique and had similar results? And if it is okay to use witch hazel once daily?
