Is this normal?

Keltee-K ♈️✝️🐶🐶🐶👼🙏🌙

So I’ll talk to the fertility specialist at my first appointment on the 20th. But just wanted to see if anyone else went thru this. I usually have a heavy period on day one - three then it can just tapper off from. I have been diagnosed with a small amount of endometriosis a few yrs ago.

So my period started on Monday at like 1 am 😑 yea..... Then yesterday it seemed to get significantly lighter.

Today it was kinda normal like medium amount(3-5 pads out of comfort).

When I just went to the restroom I had a huge blood clot. I’m not miscarrying again because I got negatives this month. When I say huge, I mean the entire wipe was a clot.

Could this mean an increase in Endo?

I hope not.