Hey y’all... weird question...


So I went yesterday to a private facility because my doctor isn’t going to be able to get me in until I’m almost 15 weeks... so I went and paid to have an ultrasound done....

I had 1 MMC in January 2019 and a blighted ovum in November of 2019... both ended in a D&C procedure...

well anyway... I’m pretty positive that at both of those ultrasounds where I found out about the two miscarriages that the sac didn’t continue to develop... I just don’t know if this is like the normal thing to happen...

when I went in to the private facility I was around 9w2d according to an ultrasound I had at 5w5d where we seen the baby’s heartbeat...

The place I went to wasn’t able to get a clear picture of the baby... but they measured the sac and said its measuring 9w5d. We did get to see the baby, but they just couldn’t get a great picture because the baby is still so tiny... they didn’t even try to find the heartbeat... so I’m honestly not sure if it’s still beating... I’m hopeful it is.. but what I’m most curious about is if my baby stopped developing would it be normal for my sac to continue to grow??? Or does the sac stop growing when the baby does?? My doctor seems very positive that everything is fine, but I still have to wait until mid-late November before he can actually get me in to see me... ): I’m just worried about my little babe.

I started bleeding lightly today... and he wants me to go to the er to get a “better ultrasound” to be on the safe side... but like... he said that it’s a good sign that the sac is measuring accurately. :/