What kind of bug is this😭 it might have bit me

So I was putting my bra on to go out for food and I didn’t see anything in it but after a few minutes I felt a burning sensation on my nipple so I pull my bra a little to look in it and the bug was in there so I screamed and ripped my bra off and the bug was just on the ground and it must’ve already been dead because it didn’t move on the ground but I’m still scared because the whole reason I noticed it was the burning feeling on my nipple 😭 what is this? And is it dangerous? My bra was in a dresser drawer I’m so confused as to where it came from. I’m so afraid of bugs so I’m just really freaking out and there’s also a red mark on the side of my boob , but that could be from me freaking out and ripping my bra off😕 I zoomed in so you could see better