First IUI in the books...


Hi all! I’ve posted on here a few times but figured I’d share my story I’ve been TTC for 2 years. The first year wasn’t trying trying then the last 9 cycles I’ve really been tracking.

Last cycle I had just Clomid and this cycle they wanted to do the <a href="">IUI</a> due to my ovulation issues and based on my husbands sperm quality.

Sept 27th - CD 1

Clomid CD 3-7

Follicle scan CD 12 

Trigger CD 12

1st <a href="">IUI</a> CD 13 (today)

Doctor said sperm quality was good but I have no idea how to read the paper. 76 million motile sperm.

Last month I ovulated on CD 14 so fingers crossed sperm is ready and waiting going to BD tomorrow & Sunday to be sure.

Now time for the wonderful TWW. I saw a lot of people were getting IUIs in the last few / next couple of days. Baby dust to you all!