I have bad paranoia and am scared

So last night my boyfriend and I were getting intimate. First, she made out I had jeans and underwear on he had sweat and boxers on. I don’t think pre cum can travel that far and I don’t even know if there was any, but then things escalated my pants were off and so were his but we both had underwear on and I didn’t have my vagina near his penis. Before anything got extreme he put a condom on. We never got around to fully having sex and there was no real ejaculation/sperm at all. The only thing I’m worried about is pre cum. I didn’t see any signs of there being any but what if he had some on his hand? Or there was some on his boxer? Should I be worried? I get paranoid easily and start to believe things, I need some feedback. Condom was on at all times when we were both fully naked and again he never ejaculated. My only true concern is if maybe Precum was in his finger or leaked through boxers or fix my nail poked a while through condom? Am I just being extra?