Are there any kids going to preK?


Our cut off is Aug 31, but I appealed to have her join early. I thought she was ready because she was doing preK workbooks well. She started a week ago (online) and I'm wondering if it was a mistake. Her classmates all seem so much more advanced. I mean granted these kids are between 4 and 5 where as my daughter just turned 4. And I am pretty sure some are older than 5 as I know one kid is. It's a more academic preK. If they call on her and ask her a question (like about a story they just read), she doesn't always respond. The other kids seem to answer.

They gave homework which was to write a 3 specific letters freehand (no tracing) and all the other kids seemed to get it fine. But she struggled with 2 of them so much. I am really wondering is she not getting it because of her age or is it that I haven't been teaching her enough. Would love to hear if anyone else has insights or feedback or a similar experience..