I just don't know 😅


Hi ladies, I'm 12dpo not due for AF until Saturday but I've been getting INSANE hunger pangs. I've also got a head cold at the moment I believe and been more tired than usually but each test has been negative so far. I also just woke up with a dry mouth, headache and a VERY scary dream that seemed so real I could feel the spider bite welt on my arm. Usually I can go until late arvo/dinner without eating anything but the last few days I've had to get up for breakfast and have lunch too. And then after dinner I get hungry again to the point that the pangs hurt to sleep. I don't usually get this with pms so have anyone had this and gotten a BPF? Not holding my hopes high but I can still wish can't I? 😅😅 thanks. This is my bbt chart as of this morning. First time charting so I dont know if this is normal or not for me 😅 what do you think from it? Anyone had a chart like mine and gotten a BFP?