Baby Asprin



Hi Ladies, I have seen that some ladies are taking baby asprin. Just like to know what does it help for

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Posted at
Do not take it unless your doctor tells you. It has some risks but is worth it for pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure ect.


Bi • Oct 14, 2020
The preeclampsia I know about, I drank it with my son because of losing our first baby due to preeclampsia.


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I take baby aspirin because I’ve had two miscarriages and a blood test confirmed I have elevated anti-cardiolipin antibodies. Baby aspirin helps thin my blood and eventually get rid of the antibodies.


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My doctor told me to take it with my last pregnancy to help prevent preeclampsia


Winters Muva💋❄️ • Oct 14, 2020
Yeah I take it I'm 39 weeks pregnant in the beginning my doctor gave me these due to small protein in the urine which is associated with preeclampsia


Kylee • Oct 14, 2020
Oh I’m not sure either. Idk why you’d just take that. Can’t be good for you if it’s not needed


Bi • Oct 14, 2020
Thank you, I also had to take it during pregnancy with my son to preven preeclampsia we lost our first child due to it, but I see some ladies are taking it while ttc. Not sure if it helps for something else as well.


Posted at
Thank you very much for al the responses, I really appreciate it. Good luck to all the ladies that are currently ttc and congratulations to those who already got their bfp.


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Aspirin is a blood thinner which helps and increases the flow of blood to the uterus.


Bi • Oct 14, 2020
Thank you very much


ash • Oct 14, 2020
Yeah unless your doctor prescribes it don’t take it. It’s supposed to help with inflammation in the body and only your doctor can tell you that.


El • Oct 14, 2020
Do not take it unless it’s prescribed by your doctor


Posted at
My doctor prescribed it to me to thin out my blood


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There are various reasons why women take it but you should not start taking it without asking your doctor. My doctor recommends it for me to help with my lining because it’s always on the thin side and it helps.


Bi • Oct 14, 2020
Thank you for the reply.


Posted at
I am taking it due to a blood disorder. It is safe for most but not safe for all. I've talked with a few people on here who took it because they read about here and they ended up having a miscarriage and they talked with their doctor during follow up appointment. The doctors said it is likely what caused the miscarriage as it isn't something that they would have suggested as it's not safe for them. Often it's prescribed/suggested for things like blood disorders and inflamation. It can be bad to take any type of medication daily if not suggested by a doctor so this should only be taken once one has talked with their doctor