Severe constipation?

It started off as what felt like built up gas, I bought gas pills and started taking them and then it felt like I had the urge to poop but physically can’t.

This has been going on for four days now. I took a laxative day before yesterday and did poop like three times and my stomach felt sore afterwards, just like I had it full and it no longer was, then yesterday I pooped once earlier in the day and then at around 8 or 9 it got really really bad again, it’s now 12:48 am and I keep running to the bathroom like I need to poop but can’t.

I’ve barely drank anything the last few days because I feel full and it feels like I’m about to be sick if I drink anything, and I do get very nauseous, there’s been a couple of times where I did almost throw up but can’t. I’m literally getting chills from it and my back is starting to hurt. Idk if that could be related or not.

I really do not know what to do at this point. I’ve NEVER had this happen before ever and I’m so frustrated over it that I have cried a few times.

I’m 20 years old I just moved out of my home state at the beginning of this month and at this point it sounds childish but I really really want my mom for comfort rn and I don’t have that other than text or phone call. My boyfriend is trying his best but I’m in so much pain, I’m scared, and I just want my mom.