Constant BV it seems like!! Boric Acid doesn’t help, Metrogel treatment helps temporarily PLEASE HELP😭


My vagina is cursed I swear. The past year to year and a half I have been battling with BV, pretty severely. 99% of the time it only occurs after my period.

I used to take RePHresh probiotics every morning for the past year since this started up, didn’t work though. I kept getting BV🤦🏼‍♀️

I finished the 2 week boric acid suppository treatment week and a half ago, I was on my period the last 2 or 3 days of it though. Just got off my period this past Sunday and the odor is STILL lingering… my gyno told me to do 5 days of metrogel to see if that will get rid of it, if not I’ll go back. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

Any help or suggestions anyone can give me!? Idk what the heck keeps causing this but it is a STRAIGHT annoyance!!!! Such an embarrassment with my boyfriend also, I mean come on. What 27 year old girl should be dealing with this everr Dre y single month where me and my boyfriend MAYBE get 4 days out of the month together to be intimate because I’m either dealing with BV or I’m on my period.
