BBT temp help please! Newbie here!


Hi guys!

I would really appreciate any insights on my chart please. I take my temperature every morning and this is so far what I got. I have watched lots of YouTube videos and they say after ovulation if your temperature is high and keeps rising that means you are mostly likely pregnant, if the lines go down that means a period is coming. According to this month, I have missed my period. It was supposed to be the week of October 5th and lasting at least 4-5 days. I took several pregnancy tests, all negative so far. But according to Glow now it is estimated that my period should start next week unless I’m pregnant. But looking at my chart it looks like my temperature is rising or at least staying somewhat consistent. What do you think? Do you think I have a chance to be pregnant soon?

Thank you for any help! Hugs 🤗