Advice needed

So girlies sensitive topic but in July I miscarried a baby at 6 weeks and now I find myself in the position where I am most likely pregnant again as I have had faint positive tests and I am testing every 2 days . For the girls that have had a miscarriage and then a successful pregnancy when did the worry that everything isn’t okay go away I’m so scared that these tests would have been false positives or I’m just gonna start bleeding at any point.

First pregnancy I had a heavy feeling like just before you start your period feeling I didn’t take any folic acid whilst trying and I started to cramp them spot and then loose the baby.

This time I’ve had loads of symptoms I didn’t have first time round like the nausea, dizziness, sore boobs, sensitive nipples, food adversion and completely going of food and changes in sex drive I don’t wonna get my hopes up as I know what happened last time could happen again or I might not even be pregnant I have been taking folic acid and pregnancy vitamins as a precaution this time I’ve had the baby belly feel and the bolting.

Can I hear any of your experience please