Sorry Not Sorry

Body positivity is great until we hit the wall of the double standard.

Birth is different for everybody. We all know that. Some people have a hard time loosing baby weight, some people get stretch marks, and some people have hard recoveries. There’s another side as well, some people loose the weight they gain, some people don’t get stretch marks, etc. Changes happen to both sides whether they are obvious or not. So because I’m not overweight, don’t have stretch marks, saggy skin or a csection shelf I can’t be proud of my body? I don’t understand why those things are required to be able to post a postpartum body picture without getting hate for it or be told that the person is fishing for compliments. We still carried a baby just like those women, our bodies aren’t the same as it was before we got pregnant either. Just because those changes are not obvious to others doesn’t mean they’re not there. I know some women do post on here trying to fish for compliments, but not all women do. We’re supposed to support each other and uplift one another. Not everything on here has to be so negative. I’m sorry that you gained weight, I’m sorry that you have stretch marks, I’m sorry that you had a hard recovery, but that doesn’t give you the right to make us feel like shit because we didn’t.