have hope!


I'm a newly wed & so eager to be pregnant and bring life into this world. I have been long before we married, but this time I think it may be true. Over the course of 2 weeks I've experienced nearly all of the early symptoms. Nauseous, fatigue, back pain, tender breasts, spotting (assuming implantation bleeding), cravings, heightened senses (sensitive towards smells), constipation, shortness of breath, migraines, dizziness, and increased urination. I've had pregnancy scares before and they were always negative. I've never had so many symptoms so I'm hoping it's true. My period has never been regular. Besides my recent period last month, I hadn't had a period since March of 2019. So I don't have a lot to base it against, but according to my last period, tomorrow is supposed to be the start day of my next. Currently, no signs of bleeding or anything coming... Conveniently, it's also day 21 since the last day we had unprotected sex. I have a plan to test tomorrow, please pray for me & keep me in your thoughts. I'll come back to update.

edit: couldn't stop dreaming about a baby, woke up eager & hopeful. ran to the bathroom to test...

I'm so heartbroken & confused. is it possible to use too much urine? why did i have so many symptoms for such an obvious negative? My period is supposed to start today and it's still not here...I was told blue dye tests work better later in the pregnancy and pink dye are good at picking up early signs. Well, I only have a digital test left and can't get a pink dye just yet. So I tried these at home tests myself.

Here is the vinegar test. left is untampered & right is urine & vinegar

Here is an example of what it's supposed to look like

Here is the sugar test. For those that don't know, the sugar is supposed to dissolve if not pregnant and supposed to solidify/clump if pregnant.