PREGNANT AFTER 5 YEARS-what we did different

Mama Bee 🐝 • 🌈👨‍👩‍👦💙

We are pregnant after 5 years and i felt like sharing what did the trick for us! Everyone’s body is different, what worked for me isn’t for everyone.

To start, i have PCOS and was not getting my period or ovulating. Hubby is all good, so i was the one we were figuring out.

After a year and a half on metformin with no luck, we went to a fertility specialist who took me off of metformin and switched me to ovasitol and a D3 supplement. They put hubby on COQ10 too. I got my period naturally with ovasitol after about 10 weeks of taking it!

This cycle we did 7.5 mg of fermara cd 3-7. Triggered on cd 13 with ovridrel with one follicle measuring 19.5.

We’ve been using preseed for the past year and this is the first cycle we DIDNT use it.

We had previously done two round of clomid no trigger, spent a year and a half on metformin hoping that it work help me ovulate, and finally one round of fermara with a trigger before having our positive cycle.

Let me say.... it took us YEARS to be able to bare the cost of <a href="">fertility treatment</a>. Out of pocket, it ended up being about $4,000 for everything including our failed clomid cycles. We still couldn’t afford it now but decided to do it anyways. If you are in the boat of waiting til assisted <a href="">fertility treatment</a> is right for you, I’m so sorry. It’s a long wait. It makes trying even harder, and sometimes makes it feel like you’re not really “trying”

I spent five years being so upset and avoiding posts just like this. I doubt anyone will read it.... but i know some people like to know the protocol that worked for others.

Blessings and baby dust all around. The wait is so hard. It feels like it will never be my turn. And then one day it was.... ❤️ there’s still hope mama-to-be.