4 year anniversary

Danielle • Wife, nurse, mom of 4, micro influencer and boss babe-Beauty by Sincerely Yours. Working on myself while raising littles. 🖤DO NOT DM ME FOR MEDICAL ADVICE, SEE YOUR DOCTOR🖤

4 years ago today I took a chance and gave my trust to my amazing surgical team and that choice changed my life forever.

I am so blessed to have found this chance at a happy and healthy life. Along my weight loss journey I’ve learned so much about myself. I’ve learned I didn’t feel I deserved a happy and healthy life. I didn’t believe in myself and that my mental health was way worse than what I thought.

So many people believe weight loss is solely a physical process, it’s not. Weight loss is 85% mental and only 15% physical. The weight loss is a side effect of a healing mental health.

These last few years I’ve learned a new way of eating, of thinking, of loving and how to respect myself both past and present.

I’ve lost over 180lbs, it wasn’t easy, hell it’s not easy to keep them off. Since the pandemic I’ve gained around 10lbs back and it’s the worse mind fuck ever and I’ve picked up some of my bad eating habits again. I’m taking the steps I need to, to regain my mental health as I’ve been battling depression and anxiety recently. I know once I do I’ll be able to lose those pounds again. But nonetheless I’ve lost over 180lbs and I’m damn proud of that. Happy 4 years to myself for making this brave and life changing decision. 🖤xoxo

“It’s not about perfect, it’s about effort. And when you being that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens.” Jillian Michaels