Is this a yes ?

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Posted at
Surely you’re joking and trying to rub it into others faces that can’t get a positive that easy!!


Ann • Oct 21, 2020
Why would I try to rub something in someone’s face and it took me 3yrs


Posted at
You want to know why I know you did this on purpose? It's been 2hrs. Multiple people have told you it the wrong group and its still here. You can say "well what if it's a false positive", but none of use can run test from a picture. You are rude, hateful, sarcastic, and most of all inconsiderate towards other people's feelings. So congratulations you're pregnant, but that doesnt make you a better human. I hope you sit and think of all the women who pray for a faint line and support each other on here, all just so people like you can come here and rub your blaring positive in their face.Shame on you.


🌸🌺 • Oct 21, 2020
None of that changes anything I just. You did it on purpose and eventually this will get taken down or moved for you. So I still stand by what I said, shame on you. I hope you grow up before your baby gets here.


Ann • Oct 21, 2020
Where was any of you ppl when I posted up a picture with faint lines? Did y’all come running to that post with all y’all comments? Did any of you tell me to try again in a few days? Did any of you tell me to try another test because the blue dye test ate full of shit? Ok I posted on the wrong page but you think for one second I’m going to let you grown ass women talk shit to me and not say shit back. You don’t like the picture keep it moving.


Ann • Oct 21, 2020


Posted at
That’s what two lines means.... so yes. You’re pregnant.


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Posted at
Seriously 🙄🙄
Seriously 🙄🙄


Posted at
How do you not know that this is positive? It clearly tells you on the test the box the direction


Posted at
Congrats! I think this would be better suited in the announcements group. Also, very immature of you to be so snappy and rude to people responding to your post. You’re going to have a baby, time to act a little more mature. Best wishes.


Ann • Oct 21, 2020
It’s very immature of them to be so rude. How hard is it to tell someone they post in the wrong group without being so fucking rude?


Posted at
Is this a joke?....


meg • Oct 21, 2020
Yep... cuz it’s a clear positive


Ann • Oct 21, 2020
You think I would’ve post if it was a joke


Posted at
Pretty obvious. The test comes with directions. Read them they’ll help!!!


Posted at
That is an obvious positive. Please post in the correct group.


Lola • Oct 26, 2020
This was originally posted in the faint lines group before the admins moved it.


Bella • Oct 26, 2020
I thought this group was for positive test pics?


kentucky mom • Oct 21, 2020
Other people’s business? Honey you brought people into “your business” when 1 you post on this app about your business, and 2 you post a test that is clearly positive but apparently don’t know how to use one but have been trying for a baby for 3 years? 🤔 last but not least you post in the wrong group. So... 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️