My lash tech got mad because my hair stained her chair.. (READ)

Ok so I get eyelash extensions & I went to her about twice already. So I just recently dyed my hair red & I took a shower but my hair is so long and thick it literally takes the entire day to dry

When I went to my fill appointment it was still damp. I told her that I just recently got it done and it stains and she said ok let me get a cover, so she put a thin piece of cover on the headrest of the chair, so after my lashes were done I sat up and it went thru the cover, it was a small red dot and she got soooo pissed and was saying “ohh my god it went thru!” So she grabbed bleach and it just wouldnt come off, then she looked under the head rest and said “there’s more stained! Oh my god nooo” and I told her I’m really sorry I didn’t mean for it to stain, and tbh I felt super embarrassed but it was really nothing I can control..

Now she’s been ignoring me and refuses to lash me again because of my hair.. am I wrong for this? I don’t know why she’s being honestly.. so rude about it . I told her from the start & I can’t control what my hair does

Note: I took a shower HOURS before my appointment because she advised too since I can’t shower for 2 days after I get them done. I don’t blow dry my hair because it’s unhealthy. I literally cannot control if my hair takes that long to dry. I’d understand if I didn’t inform her, but I let her know before I sat down. So I don’t see how it’s my fault even after she knew

Not only that I don’t even own a hair dryer.