Has anyone experienced this ?

Monet • Mother of One 04/02/19 🎀 & Three Angels 👼🏾 #GirlMom Currently Healing From Ectopic pregnancy 10/27/2020

First date of LMC was Aug 29. Got an very early pregnancy test at 7dpo on the 23rd. I would either be around 6 weeks or 7 weeks currently if I'm actually as far as I think I am. Been having cramping and bleeding/spotting always been light nothing heavy. Couldn't see anything on the ultrasound so the Dr.s think it's because I'm very early or it can either be ectopic or possible miscarriage. Monday I went to the ER because I got a call saying I should go as soon as possible because my levels went up but they didn't see anything on my ultrasound last appointment. So when I went HCG levels rised a little and positive test but still couldn't see anything on the ultrasound. Nurse said counting from the day I've took the test til the ( current day ) that day I would be 3 weeks in a half so if I'm earlier than what we think then that's a possibility that's the reason on why we haven't seen anything on the ultrasound sound. Very nervous not sure what's going on this would be baby #2 praying that it isn't a ectopic 🤞🏾.

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