Implantation bleeding / pregnant

mdw💝 • Married❗️Family of 🙎🏾‍♀️🙎🏽‍♂️🙇🏽‍♀️ 👶🏽

This is for all the ladies with questions about implantation bleeding. I’ve scoured this site for hours over the last few days looking for answers. I finally have them.

I’m pregnant! Took a test at 12 DPO because my cycle are normally 26-28 days. Recently 26 days.

At 10DPO I had bubble gum pink color blood when I wiped. Very scant, a little bit. I told my husband I started my period.

No symptoms at all though. I felt a twinge during that day. That’s it. It was on my right side, which is the side I had mature follicles on.

11DPO I had very scant bubble gum pink once during the day then nothing.

Yesterday, at 11DPO I went and told my husband my period was coming maybe tomorrow. He said okay with disappointment in his voice.

Well, today this morning there was no sign of my period.

I have PCOS, but I’ve been pretty regular. At 5:30am I decided to take a FRER pink dye test before going to exercise.

To my surprise, I saw the line within 30-40 seconds. I started shaking and grab the digital and the weeks estimator. Both popped up saying pregnant.

I put them in the bag and went to exercise with my husband and 2 yr old.

When we got to the track, we went around a few times. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I told my daughter to give the ziplock bag to daddy. She ran to him and said here daddy.

He was like did you see what she gave me. I said yeah. Look at it. He look at it and said is this real? I said yes it is real! The digital says it all.

He said I got a little tears coming to my eyes. I said I’m happy too!!

We hugged as our toddler rushed us to exercise! She doesn’t ave any idea lol but we don’t plan on telling her anything bc she is very chatty.

Folks, it took us 1 year and just shy of 9 months to conceive. My husband admitted today, he had given up. We are both overjoyed to give our daughter a sibling.

We used 2.5 mg letrozole for the first 1 year and 7 months. (It helped us conceive our first) The past two months we used clomid. 50mg then 100mg this time around.

Don’t lose hope and see a specialist if you need to do so!