Pregnancy test


Hi everyone. I'm really confused right now. So I came off my contraception in August and had a period 22nd-27th then had a short period sept 26th-29th.

Without contraception my period has always been longer or not regular at all so I'm not sure when I ovulate.

A few days ago I felt a bit dizzy and had cramping, the cramping has continued still today. It's one of the early pregnancy symptoms I get so 2 days ago I took a pregnancy test and there was a barely visible line (I couldn't even tell if it had colour). Yesterday I took another and a slightly more visible line appeared. And this morning a line again.

I put my dates into pregnancy calculators and they all estimate conception on the 17th of October, would I even get a positive this

early? Or have I maybe ovulated earlier?

Sorry for the long post and tia