Friendship advice


At the age of 22 I finally got a boyfriend and I’m so truly happy. This guy is incredible and so sweet.

The only issue is that my best friend of 7 years doesn’t have a boyfriend and had been in the same boat of never having one before either. There’s been moments where I felt like she would get a guy before me but somehow it happened to play out the opposite way which is really hard for me.

She’s very depressed, sad, and lonely- even when I try to get together and hang out with her. I always remind her how incredible she is and how much I love her but I don’t know what else I can do to lift her spirits....

I’m a huge empath so seeing her in pain because of my happiness really gets to me and I don’t know what to do.

Do any of you have any advice for me? This is all so new to me including the relationship, so I’ve never had to be the “single” friend cause we were both single together.