Guilt about not Breastfeeding

My baby is three months old. I had a c section and was very sick for the first 10 days. I had no help and hence I couldn’t bring myself to breastfeed. I am not sure if its the lack of stimulation or I have some other issues but I dont have milk now. I tried hard after the 10 days but no matter what I tried, there was no improvement. Its hard to pump and be motivated for the next pumping session when I dont even see few drops of milk. That my baby did not latch at all or was super fussy at the breast didn’t help it either.

All the while in this three months, I have been feeling very guilty and frustrated and upset. I cant accept the fact that I cant feed my child. Its making me extremely depressed. I feel like I failed as a mother. I want to give up trying for my sanity but then there is another voice inside me which asks me to keep trying. I dont know if I have put enough efforts for my baby. When some are able to relactate why not me. All these feelings are bothering me a lot !

Help ! 😢