Getting pressured to wean


Lately my mom and husband are starting to talk about how I need to wean.

So my son is almost 18 months old and he nurses very frequently. I am a shm that works from home when I do work, so I’m with him 24-7 or at least nearby. He is a little addicted to nursing and latches probably every hour that I’m near. He does not take bottles or pacifiers so it makes it hard to limit it. The reason my mom and husband think I need to wean is because of how much he nurses. He finally is down to waking once at every now and then and when he turned 15 months I told my husband I need him to step up and try to get him hack to sleep sometimes. Now I want to completely night wean and my son screams and hollars when he sees him come in at night and not me, it doesn’t really offend my husband but he thinks the solution is that I wean altogether. I disagree but then my mom also complains because she thinks my son is too attached to me and isn’t as social as he could be. I disagree here too. She also just thinks I would be happier not feeling like I have to be with him all of the time.

Anyway, I’ve asked before but am curious about weaning just a little. I mean the amount he nurses I agree is a lot for his age.

I also am planing on going on a 4 night trip away in three months. Any advice on how to slow him down. I don’t want to wean completely.