Bleeding after working out?


So last weekend I was working out and after I was done I sat on the couch to drink some water and cool down. I got some right sided sharp pains and then followed by bleeding. I immediately thought “ectopic pregnancy” and ran to the ER. After many hours of waiting, they ruled out an ectopic but shocker! Found out I was having twins. The ER doc (and my OBGYN I followed up with the next day) both said my exercise did not cause the bleeding and I can safely resume. I took a few days off to be safe but started working out again and have been fine. However, today I worked out and immediately after I started bleeding again! It was more like spotting since it didn’t last long and was more pinkish.

Has anyone had this problem before? I’m wondering if maybe since there’s a lot of blood flow to my uterus/groin maybe the workouts just cause a blood vessel to pop in my vagina canal? Just seems weird both times I bleed is immediately after working out. No cramping this time at least.

Also-the workouts have been the same ones I’ve done before I was pregnant and I even backed off a little today just because I was tired and wasn’t really in the mood. So it’s not like I’m straining my body??