In need of advice! Sleeping through the night

So my little one is 13 months and he’s still far from sleeping through the night. He wakes up hungry every night without fail at around 3/4am depending on what time he had a bottle the evening before.

He generally goes to bed at 7pm and will have a bottle around 10pm (he wakes up hungry). He drinks around 8oz but that will normally only keep him going for about 6 hours before he wakes up hungry.

I’ve seen so many people say by this stage their food through the day should be enough to keep them going at night but it just doesn’t seem to be the case with him. He’ll have breakfast, lunch and dinner. I try to give him snacks in between but he doesn’t often want them, and I can’t force them down him🤷🏽‍♀️ the thing is he’s 13 months and can still only handle 7 month+ food jars. If I try anything that’s more lumpy he gags and throws up, then the whole thing has been pointless! He’s only had 2 teeth up until a couple of weeks ago, his front top 2 have just come through.

I’m due with number 2 on 21st December so would really like to by that point have him a bit more settled! I’m at a loss what to try☹️