Positive Home Pregnancy after bleeding?!!

Hi ladies! I need help. I’ve contacted my doctor but of course it’s the weekend so who knows when I’ll hear back. I’ll let you know my story though. I had a positive OPK on 9/29 & 9/30. It was our anniversary 9/29 so we did the baby dance obviously. I tested on 10/14 and saw a very faint positive line (can’t really be seen on camera). A couple days prior to that I had spotting with wiping (light pink). Anyways later on 10/14 I began bleeding (bright red blood). Had a period from 10/14-10/19. I began tracking my ovulation again on 10/23 and had a positive OPK and then again this morning with another positive OPK. I thought it was too early after my period so I took another home pregnancy test. And they were much darker than my ones prior to bleeding. I attached images below. Like I said I contacted my doctor but am so confused. Has anyone had a chemical pregnancy, ectopic, or any other results with this happening?! THank you ladies!


I went to the doctor today and had my blood drawn. My hcg level was 25 which seems low for when we conceived.. I asked but they said that would be accurate. Not sure but Another draw for Thursday is scheduled