Feeling unfulfilled... mid life crisis come early?


Hi all! I wasn't sure where to post this but here it goes. I'm 18 and in my 2nd year of university also with a part time weekend job to help pay for my bills etc. However I'm just not happy, my course is what I need to get to the job I wanted but because I dont enjoy the course im starting to doubt if it is really the job I want to do and I dont agree with the way my work is run at all which is one of the reasons why I don't enjoy working there. I just feel like at 18 I shouldn't feel guilty not enjoying a job/degree but I do because I feel like I'm letting myself down but its caused alot of anxiety and stress. I just feel like im unfulfilled living a life I dont enjoy. If I were to quit my job and drop out of uni I would try find a full time job (obviously with covid it would be tough but I would find a secure one before dropping out or quitting) but I just want people's opinions because I am so lost in life. Thank you!