Advice on absent bio mom. -step mom


So just needed to kinda vent and also ask for advice.. I don’t have many people to go to about anything lol. So my step daughter (Evelyn) will be 4 in January. I’ve been in her life since she was 5-6 months old. Her real mom is a pos and druggie and never really cared to be in her life.. she’s been in jail most of my step daughters life.

So it’s been over a year since we’ve heard from her. She got out of prison in August 2019 & basically told us she didn’t want anything to do with her..

So she’s been stealing my pictures that I post on fb of Evelyn and posting them on her own fb as they’re her own. I never sent them to her or gave her permission to use my photos.. is it wrong or me to be angry about that? I feel like she’s in the wrong and doesn’t need to be posting my pictures of Evelyn if she wants nothing to do with her..

Also, we want to get her rights terminated. After everything she’s done, & a long conversation coming to a decision we’ve decided that it’d be best thing for all of us.. has anyone been through that? Would we have to be married in order to go all the way through it with termination? Ive read they’re strict on that and won’t want to terminate unless there’s someone willing to adopt her. Which I would more than willingly want to, just wasn’t sure if we have to be married to do so.

sorry for the long post.