help please!


i am on day 33 of my normally 26 day cycle. i did the BD(baby dance) on day 22. im not sure if i was still ovulating as my period was only 5 days. their is no sign of AF(aunt flow). ive had many possible symtoms. heres a list of the days of my cycle and what i went through.

cycle day 22: did the BD unprotected with ejaculation

cycle day 24: light cramping

cycle day 25: medium cramping, back pain, thin milky discharge and diarrhea/peeing every 20 minutes

cycle day 26: medium cramping mostly, extreme cramping for about 30 minutes right below my belly button on the right side, back pain, high temperature in vagina (felt very warm but i didnt have a thermometer to check), diarrhea/peeing every 20 minutes, thicker milky discharge, and a negative pregnancy test.

day 29: diarrhea/peeing every 20 minutes, back pain, and a negative pregnancy test