Referred to a Fertility Specialist - Questions to Ask


Hi! I posted this in the Clomid group but also wanted to post here just in case.

Long story short: my OBGYN had me on Clomid for 3 cycles: 50, 100, and 150 - each cycle I DID NOT ovulate (my numbers were no where near what they should have been) so I have been referred to a fertility specialist.

My consultation appointments (I have two with two different doctors to see who I like) is next week so I’m wondering if there any MUST ASK questions. Obviously I’ll have more questions once we figure out why exactly I’m not ovulating, but I wasn’t sure if there were questions I should ask right off the bat. Really just looking for any advice on what to expect, too.

Thanks in advance for the help!

TL;DR: Clomid didn’t work and now I’m referred to a fertility specialist & need to know questions to ask.