BF/pumping for a stash?


I’m trying to build a stash but having some issues on keeping any!

Background: 3wk LO had been comfort feeding for roughly 3 hrs. Pediatrician instructed to feed for 20-30 mins and then feed pumped milk in a bottle, if he’s just sleeping or filly-farting around.

What I’ve been doing is pumping one breast while LO feeds on the other one. Afterwards he is always hungry for more, consistently showing hunger cues. So I end up giving him what I just pumped and what he usually needs is 2-3oz additionally. So I have nothing saved up.

Usually in the mornings I can get one bag around 4oz. After that, about 2 oz each time.

Any suggestions?

*edit to add: my pediatrician is also a LC.

**Originally, I had super engorged breasts that I had to use a nipple shield for LO to latch to. He did great then. As the engorgement has gone down, we’ve gotten him off of the nipple shield.

But now, his latch needs adjustment to just a straight nipple. He tucks his lower lip in. LC has me pulling chin down often to teach him.

***we do demand feeding, not on a schedule at all.