Lazy partner

My partner works full time and I appreciate everything he does, but he uses it as an excuse to sit on his arse and do nothing when he’s home.

We have a 7 week old daughter and I’m lucky if he spends 5 minutes with her when he gets home, so not only do I not get 2 seconds peace but I also don’t get a shred of help around the house.

Now, I have no obligations to doing the housework by myself when he’s at work but I draw the line at running around after him when he’s home. Some days, as you can imagine, I don’t have much time to my day. I’ll dress baby, feed her, change her nappy, give her cuddles and play with her, whilst she’s happily settled for a few minute I’ll wash the pots or run the hoover round, then it’s time to rinse and repeat. On top of this I’m trying to run my small business AND find time to eat, shower, brush my teeth etc myself. When my partner comes home I can literally list all the things I’ve got to do and how run down and tired I am and he’ll just shrug and sit on his computer. I’ll ask him to take the bins out and I’ll get “yeah in a sec” over and over until it’s the next day, it hasn’t been done and I’m having to add it to my to do list. On top of this he gets a full nights sleep every night, and still doesn’t even offer to help me on his days off.

He honestly thinks being at home is a jolly. I obviously must just lay in bed watching Netflix and having baby cuddles. The fairies do our housework, cook hun dinner and make sure he has clean clothes to wear :)) he says that he shouldn’t have to help in any way because it’s his down time, so can someone tell me when I get done down time because at the moment my “chilling” is taking a 5 minute shower whilst hoping she doesn’t wake up.

I’ve had enough of not being appreciated really.. and no matter how many times I explain how hard it is I don’t think he’ll ever care enough to change :(