Voice insecurity

So every sense I became more aware of everything about me and all my insecurities, even my voice became a insecurity and I really haven’t ever liked how I sound. I have I guess a medium tone of voice? I’m not super high pitched but I don’t have a low tone of voice either(or at least that what I hear anyways).

My mom and sister both have more lower voices and my sister especially sounds very nice, but I’ve always hated how I sound and am always very aware of how I sound and I hate it(but am trying to love it along with the rest of myself).

I usually listen to people more than I talk because I feel like the person I’m talking to could find my voice annoying(even though I know that isn’t the case).

I have a YouTube channel that I pretty much just make compilation videos on just for fun. And I’ve been making videos for about 2 years now and have never revealed anything about myself. But recently I revealed my voice in a video and someone commented how I have such a pretty voice, and it has made me so happy!

Whenever I’ve brought up how I don’t like the way my voice sounds in the past I always get “Your voice sounds fine” “your voice is nice” but never “you have such a pretty voice”, and I don’t know why it makes me feel so happy and warm inside.

It’s coming from just a random person on the internet that I don’t even know, but yet their words have such a big effect on me!

I feel like that’s really weird, but it’s legit made my day(oddly enough) and has kind of boosted my confidence(especially the confidence I have with my voice).

Thank you stranger on the internet for commenting about my voice because you have no idea how your comment made me feel.